brings the element of fun and happiness to life. This is associated with the North West sector of the building.

WATER - affects prosperity and good health.This is associated with North East Sector of the building.

EARTH - provides stability, balance, and resilience in life. This is asscociated with the South West sector of the building

FIRE - represents confidence, money, and success. This is associated with the South East sector of the building.

SPACE - expands and extends cognitive energy, and mental thought processes. This is associated with the center of the building.
Vaastu uses the elements to impact us on atomic level.
For example - Something as simple as sleeping in the right direction aligned with the magnetic forces of the earth affects the quality of our sleep.
When we understand the directions in which these energies flow, we can redirect them to concentrate to our benefit.
In Vaastu Shashtra a habitable space is divided into four primary sectors -
Each sector has got a specific function ( e.g. living room, bedroom, study room, office space, kitchen, bath room, toilet and so on) which helps to create a positive energy and thus helps to create a balance within it.
This energy balance in turn helps in various aspects of human life. It can help to:
- peace of mind by rewiring our brain
- increase prosperity
- harmonise relationships
- boost academic success
- support career stability
The presence and balance of the five elements in the specific sector helps to attract positive energy to buildings.